Male Infertility

In 40% of the Cases, Male Infertility is the Cause

Most men will initially be diagnosed with a potential male factor problem based on the results of an ejaculated sperm specimen.

Normal values for the sperm analysis, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO):

  • Volume is the amount of ejaculate measured in cubic centimeters (cc). Normal volume is 2-5 cc.
  • Count is concentration of sperm measured in millions of sperm per cubic centimeter. Normal is 20 million/cc or greater.
  • Motility is the percentage of sperm that are moving.
    Greater than 40% motility is considered normal.
  • Morphology is the percentage of sperm that are normal in shape.
    Using strict morphology, greater than 4% is considered normal.

Though the cause of male infertility is often unidentified, there are a few problems that have been indicated as potential causes. Problems related to sperm production, the anatomy or structure of the man's reproductive organs, and the man's immune system can all be factors in male infertility.

Genetic defects, infection, testicular trauma, hormonal imbalance, and exposure to radiation and certain medications are all causes of sperm production disorders. Infertility can occur when there is a low sperm count or problems with the motility (movement) or morphology (appearance or shape) of the sperm. Any structural or anatomical problems that block the path that sperm must travel to eventually reach the egg for fertilization can cause male infertility. Infertility related to structural and anatomical problems in the male anatomy may be caused by scar tissue, varicose veins or infection or, in some cases, the problems exist from birth.

Did You Know?

Fort Worth Fertility has the only free standing IVF lab in Fort Worth.