Donor egg recipients have an opportunity to review donor’s characteristics from agencies. We have listed some egg donation agencies we have worked with in the past. There are many other agencies and you may feel free to contact them as well. We will soon have our own donors available. An attempt by the recipient couple to find a donor should be based on the desires of the recipient couple. Some of these criterions are based on race, height, weight, hair, eye color, and personality traits.
Some of the agencies we have worked with for egg donors include:
My Donor Connection
15737 Saint Andrews Lane
Ramsey, MN 55303
Phone: (763) 400-4550
Eggspecting, Inc.
6110 Cedarcrest Rd.
Ste 350 Pmb 260
Acworth, GA 30101
Phone: (678) 596-0098
Egg Donor Solutions
2300 McDermott Road. Suite 200-187
Plano, TX 75025
Phone: (214) 783 - 7861
The Donor SOURCE
24012 Calle De La Plata, Suite 370
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Once a match is made the agency will contact our office and we can begin the process of donor egg donation.
During a Donor Egg IVF Cycle, if the recipient is having regular menstrual cycles, she will be placed on oral contraceptives, followed by a medication called leuprolide (Lupron), which is administered subcutaneously (meaning "just under the skin"). Leuprolide is a man-made hormone that will temporarily shut down her menstrual cycle. After her menstrual cycle is sufficiently suppressed and her cycle is adequately synchronized with her donor, the recipient will begin taking hormone replacement medication to make the lining of the uterus receptive to the embryo(s). This medication will consist of an estrogen progesterone preparation.
Common side effects of leuprolide include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and vaginal spotting. Leuprolide is not associated with increased rates of miscarriage or malformation, and with short term use is not known to cause significant or serious side effects in its users. The hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are used to prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy, may have side effects. These are given in amounts intended to duplicate as closely as possible the normal function of the ovary. Minor side effects such as headaches, breast tenderness, or mild weight gain may occur. Progesterone is not thought to have any harmful effects.
After the eggs have been removed from the donor, a semen sample will be obtained from the recipient's husband/partner. This sample will be specifically processed to obtain from the most active sperm, which are then combined with the donated eggs.
A "trial" transfer will be performed sometime prior to the embryo transfer cycle to determine the length and contour of the recipient's uterus.
The developing embryos are ready for transfer on either day three or five after fertilization. All or some of the embryos that have normally developed are transferred by a process called embryo transfer.
A vaginal speculum is inserted and a small catheter containing the embryos will be threaded into the uterus, under ultrasound guidance, to gently deposit the embryos. After the embryo transfer, the recipient will lie flat for ten minutes and then should remain less active for about 24 hours. This part of the IVF process will be physically easy, yet is often emotionally difficult. There should be essentially no discomfort from this procedure and no anesthesia or pain medication is required for the transfer of embryos. A blood pregnancy test will be performed approximately 9 days after egg collection, with results available the same day.
There is a significant possibility that multiple gestations (twins, triplets, or more) may result from the return of multiple embryos to the uterus. Limiting the number of embryos placed into the uterus reduces this risk.
It would be extraordinary for us to transfer more than two embryos to the recipient's uterus. We encourage patients in our donor egg program to consider a single embryo transfer. In this way the couple can considerably decrease the likelihood of multiple births and at the same time not compromise the chance of a successful pregnancy.